Ribbon Cutting for Model on Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Rhinelander District Library (RDL) and the Rhinelander District Library Foundation are hosting a Ribbon Cutting to announce the Library’s Capital Campaign to renovate and expand the 120-year-old facility, and to unveil a model of the new facility.

The Ribbon Cutting will be held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 11:30 am. The public and media are invited to attend, view the model, and to learn more about the Capital Campaign.

“As the Rhinelander District Library celebrates its 127th year of service to our community, we are reflecting on the Library’s history and how its services have grown to meet our community’s needs. We are also looking forward to ensure the Library will be able to continue to provide the multitude of services so many of us, our families, friends and neighbors rely upon,” said Virginia Roberts, Director of the Rhinelander District Library.

The Library was founded in 1897, and opened its doors on March 1, 1898, in the original Merchants State Bank building (now at the BMO Bank corner). The original Carnegie Library building was completed in 1904.

In 1983, the Friends of the Rhinelander District Library sponsored an advisory referendum to build a new facility. Public sentiment to preserve the historic building at its significant location and the desire to keep construction costs economical led to the decision to construct an addition, which was completed in 1985.

Updates to the building’s interior layout, the HVAC system, wiring, and general maintenance have continued, but the original 1904 building and the 1985 addition have remained unchanged all these years.

Over the years, materials have greatly expanded to meet the needs of our community to include audiobooks, DVDs, music CDs, and much more. Services have grown to include an extensive genealogy and local history section, a business center and Notary services.

Our Library remains highly relevant to area residents for many reasons, including: its free access to a variety of items beyond books, including technology; programs and activities for residents of all ages; community gatherings for all ages; the promotion of literacy, curiosity and exploration; the preservation of history – and so much more!

“Over the past several years, many Library patrons have shared the need for an updated facility that provides safe and easy access to the building and restrooms, and additional space for work, study and community meetings. This renovation and expansion will allow the Library to continue to meet the needs of our community,” said Diana Harris, President of the Rhinelander District Library Board of Trustees.

Community surveys and interviews were held by the Library’s Board of Trustees and staff. A needs assessment was conducted by J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc., the Library’s construction manager. This resulted in plans for a $7 million renovation and expansion.

The renovation and expansion will add 7,650 square feet to the building, and will include:

  • Adding restrooms on the main level.
  • Replacing the existing elevator and reconfiguring the stairwell to the lower level.
  • Long-needed building maintenance including replacing leaking windows.
  • Community Meeting Room that will seat 100 people and provide a separate entrance.
  • Enhancing and adding community meeting spaces, and adding work and study spaces.
  • New entrances that will be safer and more accessible, meeting the current Americans with Disability Act standards.
  • Improvements and expanded space for the Children’s area.
  • Updating staff work areas.
  • Parking – While the expansion will reduce the number of parking spaces in the current parking lot on the north side of the building, the Library plans to add parking to the east side of the building, and hopes to sell and move the home that is currently the Re-Tale Store.
  • Outdoor spaces will be improved, and include a perennial garden.
  • Walk-up and drive-up book drops will be more easily accessible.
The Rhinelander District Library Foundation, Inc., is fostering the capital campaign to raise funds for the renovation and expansion.

The Foundation and the Library are pursuing grant funds; however, funding for capital projects is limited, and entities typically judge a project’s feasibility by the monetary support shown at the local level.

The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by U.S. law.

Donations to the Capital Campaign will only be used to fund this renovation and expansion.

The Library’s operational expenses will continue to be managed by the Library’s Board of Trustees and staff through its annual budget.

Donations of any amount will help reach the goal of $7 million.

The Foundation has a PayPal account so that you may safely and securely donate online. This option is available at RDLfoundation.org.

Contributions may also be mailed to the RDL Foundation at P.O. Box 1225, Rhinelander, WI 54501.