How You Can Help

Thank you to everyone who has donated in the past.  We are grateful to have both local residents and visitors included in this group!

The Rhinelander District Library Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  All gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by U.S. law.

Donation Options:

  • Single, Monthly or Annual
  • Bequest in Your Will
  • Planned Giving
  • Donate by check, payable to RDLF, PO Box 1225, Rhinelander, WI 54501
  • Click on the Donate button below to safely and securely donate online

Can you specify how you would like your donation used?  Absolutely!  Although it must be used for facility improvement, purchase of materials, or programming.

Check out our fundraisers at Campaigns & Projects

Have a question or comment?  Email us.

You may also sign up below to receive news about our activities. Expect no more than a dozen emails annually.

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