Welcome to the Rhinelander District Library Foundation

As the Rhinelander District Library (RDL) celebrates its 128th year of service to our community, we are celebrating the Library’s history and how its services have grown to meet our community’s needs.

We are also moving forward to ensure that the Library will be able to continue to provide the many services that so many of us, our families, friends and neighbors rely upon.

In June 2024, we launched the Library's Capital Campaign to renovate and expand our historic 121 year old facility.

As of January 23, 2025, we have received contributions totaling $845,000.

Learn more watching the video, or visit our Capital Campaign page.

The Rhinelander District Library Foundation supports and celebrates our Library's facilities, services and programs.

Our mission is to raise private donations for capital improvements and special programs not funded through the Library's annual operating budget.